TI Stellaris LM4F120 LaunchPad available to order

LM4f120xl Stellaris Launchpad

Texas Instruments, low cost evaluation board for the ARM Cortex M4F based microcontrollers is available for ordering now. And can you guess the price? It is just $5. Yes it is just $5 😉 ARM Cortex M4F microcontroller The main highlight of the Stellaris LaunchPad is its microcontroller. The LaunchPad comes with the surface mount […]

URL Encoding in Arduino

In my earlier article where I showed how you can access YQL in Arduino, I mentioned that I wrote a quick and dirty function to do URLEncoding (percent encoding) in Arduino. While writing that function, I found a nice little trick about URL Encoding and thought of writing about it here. At first, I just […]

Parsing JSON in Arduino


I guess most of you would by now, know what is JSON. It is a data format to represent structured data like XML, but is very small and has native support in JavaScript. Libraries are available in various languages for parsing JSON. But I was stunned when I read about aJson Arduino library. The author […]

Accessing YQL from Arduino

Yahoo Query Language

While writing the tutorial on how to parse JSON in Arduino, I used a sample JSON response that I got from YQL. After writing the tutorial, it struck me that I can in fact make Arduino to directly query the YQL server to get the response. I immediately dusted off my Ethernet shield and tried […]

Getting started with Arduino and AVR


In the previous tutorial, I talked about how to get started with hardware programming and also gave links to brush up your electronic skills. In this article, I will talk about the tutorials/sites I used while learning Arduino (my favorite board and the main reason why I got interested into hardware programming) and then towards […]

Getting started with hardware programming

Ohms Law

People who are not from electronics background generally find it hard sometimes to get started with hardware programming, since it requires some basic understanding of electronic concepts. A basic understanding of different electronic components like resistors, capacitors, batteries etc., together with some fundamental concepts like voltage, current, Ohm’s law etc., will drastically help you to […]

Hello world!

Hello everyone, welcome to HardwareFun, a place where fun meets hardware 🙂 I was a software programmer all throughout my life, who recently got introduced to the world of electronics and hardware programming. After playing around with it for sometime I realized that is a very satisfying hobby. It is really a great feeling to […]