Tag Archives: Arduino

URL Encoding in Arduino

In my earlier article where I showed how you can access YQL in Arduino, I mentioned that I wrote a quick and dirty function to do URLEncoding (percent encoding) in Arduino. While writing that function, I found a nice little trick about URL Encoding and thought of writing about it here. At first, I just […]

Parsing JSON in Arduino


I guess most of you would by now, know what is JSON. It is a data format to represent structured data like XML, but is very small and has native support in JavaScript. Libraries are available in various languages for parsing JSON. But I was stunned when I read about aJson Arduino library. The author […]

Accessing YQL from Arduino

Yahoo Query Language

While writing the tutorial on how to parse JSON in Arduino, I used a sample JSON response that I got from YQL. After writing the tutorial, it struck me that I can in fact make Arduino to directly query the YQL server to get the response. I immediately dusted off my Ethernet shield and tried […]

Getting started with Arduino and AVR


In the previous tutorial, I talked about how to get started with hardware programming and also gave links to brush up your electronic skills. In this article, I will talk about the tutorials/sites I used while learning Arduino (my favorite board and the main reason why I got interested into hardware programming) and then towards […]