Capabilities of Arduino

Today, I spoke about Arduino and its different capabilities at Mobile internals workshop conducted by CIS. The talk discussed the different ways by which we can use Arduino to interface with different external devices.

It was very similar to the talk that I gave at board hackthon, but I have added additional details about Leanardo and Due in this presentation.


You can view the slides from my slideshare account. I have also embedded it here for each reference. You can also checkout my other presentations and slides from my talks page.

Buying Arduino in Bangalore

As it used to happen in my other talks about Arduino, even today lot of people asked me about places where they can buy Arduino in Bangalore. I have already collect a list of places from where you can buy Arduino in Bangalore. You can refer to that page, in case you are planning to buy Arduino in Bangalore.

Arduino Workshop

I am conducting an Arduino workshop on Nov 3rd and 4th. The workshop consists of hands-on sessions, where you can learn about Arduino and then use that knowledge to build a fully autonomously bot from scratch. You can find more details about the workshop from the workshop page.

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